Aug 1st, 2016 George Kidi Kiprono Kibagare Slum Dwellers demonstrating peacefully on Aug 1, 2016 led by Westlands MP Hon Tim Wanyonyi against an illegal verbal eviction notice issued by the Nairobi School Principal. At least ten t housand Kibagare Slum dwellers are threatened with eviction from their homes and businesses following a verbal eviction notice which sources point to the nearby Nairobi School Principal. According to the Kibagare Informal Settlement leadership, last week, the Deputy President visited Nairobi School and was notified by the school the need to set up a perimeter wall to cordon off the school land. A day after the visit, the Kibagare leaders were summoned for a meeting with the principal of the school where he told them that a wall is supposed to be built on the disputed land which is about 4 acres. He was categorical that the land belongs to Nairobi School and the residents have no option but to voluntarily leave or be forcefully ev...
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