Epic stories have been told of people who give the word SHUJAA meaning especially within the concept of our new constitutional dispensation. Often times, the question would linger, really, who’s a Shujaa? In January, I found ourselves in a situation in which we needed God to send us a Shujaa. That's how I met Hon Tim Wanyonyi. I worked very hard not to tear in his office out of frustration, though, having heard him speak & give out bursaries from his own fund, had given me confidence enough at least to share my vision for Cheleta Primary School. This I did, as he keenly listened to me. "Madam, go and do your part, will help you.” This statement banished the cloud of hopelessness that would engulf me every morning as I prepared to go to a school in Runda Westlands whose facilities were an eyesore. Now, Mhesh, Daddy, Papa as children in the entire Westlands Constituency fondly refer to him is a leader to watch. He's one leader who's focused ...